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Catfield CE Primary Academy

Tigers and Cubs (Pre-school and Reception)

We are the Cubs and Tigers

A foundation stage class with children of pre-school and Reception age. Our class teacher is Miss Amis.

We have a lovely light, airy classroom with lots of different areas and activities for children to explore. We have our own outdoor learning space which we can access all year round, including the school playground and field. We also enjoy lots of outdoor learning and have at least 1 Forest School session a week.

Our teacher works hard to make sure that all individual needs and abilities are met. For example, there are special carpet sessions for Reception focusing on Maths, English and Phonics. However, those that are ready in pre-school can join in as well, which is a real bonus!


Contact Us

Catfield Church of England Primary School, School Road, Catfield, Norfolk, NR29 5DA.

01692 580568