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SEN and Wellbeing

SEND and Inclusion


At Swallowtail, staff are passionate about providing an education that meets the needs of all children. We pride ourselves on our nurturing ethos and have high aspirations for all children, regardless of ability. We promote learning through our 5 R’s, being reflective, resilient, resourceful, responsible and using reasoning. Our children understand that effort and hard work pays off, no matter where your starting point is.

What are Special Educational Needs and Disabilities?

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, or SEND, is a term that is used to describe pupils who have needs that require support additional to, or different from the high quality classroom teaching on offer.

The new SEND Code of Practice categorises these needs as:

  • Communication and interaction;
  • Cognition and learning;
  • Sensory and/or physical needs;
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties.

A child's SEND may be for a short period or throughout their educational life. They may be identified before a child has even entered school, or they may come to be recognised at a specific point in their education.  At our schools we are proud of our inclusive, nurturing ethos, and we work hard to understand and respond to the needs of all children.

Our Federation SENCo (Special Education Needs Coordinator) is Mrs Bernie Moore. She can be contacted via any of the school offices or using email

Our SEN governor is Mrs Rosie Booker, who can also be contacted via the school offices.

Please follow this link Celebrating Autism to watch an amazing video on 'Why Austism is a difference Not a Deficit' The video ‘Why Autism is a Difference Not a Deficit’ highlights strengths and differences that autistic people may experience in three areas of development and explains how there is no such thing as a ‘typical autistic person’.