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Federation Governors

Local governance at academy level is conducted via a Local Governance Committee (LGC) which comprises Trust Appointed Governors, Parent Governors, a Staff Governor and the Headteacher.  Responsibilities from the Trust Board are delegated via a Scheme of Delegation which is reviewed on an annual basis.  An outcome of the termly Academy Review Meeting may inform the level of delegation.  The LGC is expected to meet in full on a half-termly basis.  The Chairs of Governors meet on a regular basis with the Trust via the Academy Review Meetings and the Chairs and Heads Forum.

The Trust provides guidance and support to the LGCs through the provision of draft agendas, supporting documents, quality assurance visits and in-house training for governors and clerks.  In addition, as part of the Trust’s ongoing commitment to ensure that governance is well informed at all levels, access to the Modern Governor online training facility is provided to all Trustees, Local Governors and Clerks.

local governance committee 


Mrs Sheila Watts - Chair of Governors (Wellbeing Link Governor)

Hello and thank you for looking at our website.  I would like to share a bit of info about me. I have lived in Sutton for 30 years and became a parent governor over 10 years ago when my youngest son was at Sutton infant School, he has just gone to university to study Astro Physics, and I am now Chair of Governors of Swallowtail Federation.  Why do I give up my time to be a governor?  Two key reasons : I enjoy helping others and love going into school to spend time with the children.  Secondly, I feel passionately about keeping schools in our communities within our villages and to do this, governors are needed to support the staff in the wonderful job they do giving your children the best possible time at school that suits them and enables them to thrive whoever they are and whatever their needs and talents.   

It can be hard work being a governor, but it is incredibly rewarding, and I made some good friends and had some good fun along the way.  Please get in contact if you are interested in being a governor and would like a bit more info.

Mrs Angie Johnson - Vice Chair of Governors (Safeguarding Link Governor)

I have been a governor since my son was 3, and he is now 27! I am one of the foundation governors for the federation appointed by the PCC of All Saints Church originally for Catfield school. I have been delighted to serve all three schools  and see them thrive in a very cohesive federation that fully embraces the core values for life. I work full time from home, am a parish councillor and also an active member of Norfolk Governors Network where I was a member of the Small Schools steering group.  All which link positively in enabling me to be as well-informed as I can to do my best for our community and schools.  I am passionate about ensuring our children continue to get a good local education from a great immersive curriculum and within an environment where they always feel safe and cared for while they  go forward on their learning adventure.  It is also a privilege to be part of the journey for the children progressing through our federation, high school and onto achieving their dreams, and some whom  now have their own children in the schools.

Mrs Linda Russell - Foundation Governor (SIAMs/ Ethos Link Governor)

I am delighted to be a governor for the Swallowtail Federation of Church Schools. I see being a governor as being a privilege as well as a responsibility. I am a Foundation Governor, appointed in November 2015, which means I value the importance of maintaining and developing our relationship with the local church communities, collective worship and religious education (RE) alongside the drive for very good educational standards and personal wellbeing. I want the best possible experiences and opportunities for all, a curriculum which excites and develops knowledge, skills and attitudes in order for children to flourish, achieve their potential and have a love for learning.  I hope my experience as a former headteacher and an inspector can be useful to the governing body. I am currently Chair of the Achievement and Standards committee with a special interest in Mathematics, RE, Humanities (History and Geography) and Forest Schools.

Mrs Mel Turton - Staff Governor

I have been working in the federation for a year and have worked across all 3 of our schools. I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. The colleagues I work alongside are amazing and all go above and beyond for our schools and pupils.  It really is a privilege to be part of our federation family. Previously, I was a Parent Governor for 2 years and have 3 children across the federation. I am passionate about education and watching all of our pupils thrive in our fabulous schools.

Mrs Rosie Booker - Co-opted Governor (SEND Link Governor)


I am a new co-opted governor to the ‘Achievement and Standards committee’ since Autumn 2020 and am delighted to be supporting the Swallowtail Federation in this role. I have two children currently attending Catfield School, with a third due to join them in a few years’ time, and I am a Secondary School English Teacher. My reasons for joining the governing body was to gain an opportunity to be more involved in the school community, supporting all the students on their learning journey. As a parent, I have seen the passion, community and familial atmosphere that is evident in school life and I am grateful for this opportunity for me to join this further.



Mr Martin Petersen - Co-opted Governor (Website Compliance Link Governor)

I have been a governor at Swallowtail since being co-opted onto the board in 2018. Prior to this I was a governor at a Primary School in Great Yarmouth. What attracted me to join the governing body was the vision and ethos of the Federation together with the determination of the staff and governors to provide every member of the school community with the best start to their journey through education. I have worked in the public sector for over 40 years, and I hope that some of my experience outside of education brings additional skills to the governing body.


Mrs Natalie Butcher - Executive Headteacher

I have been Executive Head in the Federation since September 2019, having previously been the Head of School at Catfield for 5 years. I have a real passion for our wonderful little schools and strive to drive them to be the very best they can. The staff and pupils across the schools are like one big family and really look after one another. It is a pleasure to be part of it. 



We always welcome feedback and comments about school life and would love to hear from you.

Please feel free to contact our Chair of Governors at any time or speak to one of the school secretaries and leave your details so that they can arrange for one of us to contact you.

Chair of Governors – Mrs Sheila Watts


Home phone no: 01692 582711 – evenings only

'Governors want the best for pupils. They work closely with the headteacher to provide high quality education for pupils.’ 

Ofsted Report, Catfield, December 2015

‘Governors make effective use of their knowledge and skills to provide appropriate challenge and support to you (Head) and your senior leaders.’ 

Ofsted Report, Hickling, June 2017

‘The governors are well-informed about the quality of teaching and pupils’ achievements. They use the school development plan well to measure the impact of the school’s actions.’

Ofsted Report, Sutton, June 2015