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Federation Governors

Local governance at academy level is conducted via a Local Governance Committee (LGC) which comprises Trust Appointed Governors, Parent Governors, a Staff Governor and the Headteacher.  Responsibilities from the Trust Board are delegated via a Scheme of Delegation which is reviewed on an annual basis.  An outcome of the termly Academy Review Meeting may inform the level of delegation.  The LGC is expected to meet in full on a half-termly basis.  The Chairs of Governors meet on a regular basis with the Trust via the Academy Review Meetings and the Chairs and Heads Forum.

The Trust provides guidance and support to the LGCs through the provision of draft agendas, supporting documents, quality assurance visits and in-house training for governors and clerks.  In addition, as part of the Trust’s ongoing commitment to ensure that governance is well informed at all levels, access to the Modern Governor online training facility is provided to all Trustees, Local Governors and Clerks.

local governance committee 


Mrs Sheila Watts - Chair of LGC (Health and Safety and Wellbeing Link Governor)

Mrs Angie Johnson - Vice Chair of LGC (Safeguarding Link Governor)

Mrs Linda Russell - Foundation Governor (SIAMs and Ethos Link Governor)

Mr Martin Petersen (SEND and Website Compliance Link Governor)

Mrs Mel Turton (Staff Governor)


Being a governor can be really rewarding and is a great support to our schools.  You can follow this link to find more info or contact one of the school offices and leave your details for a governor to get back to you for an informal chat.




We always welcome feedback and comments about school life and would love to hear from you.

Please feel free to contact our Chair of Governors at any time or speak to one of the school secretaries and leave your details so that they can arrange for one of us to contact you.

Chair of Governors – Mrs Sheila Watts


Home phone no: 01692 582711 – evenings only

'Governors want the best for pupils. They work closely with the headteacher to provide high quality education for pupils.’ 

Ofsted Report, Catfield, December 2015

‘Governors make effective use of their knowledge and skills to provide appropriate challenge and support to you (Head) and your senior leaders.’ 

Ofsted Report, Hickling, June 2017

‘The governors are well-informed about the quality of teaching and pupils’ achievements. They use the school development plan well to measure the impact of the school’s actions.’

Ofsted Report, Sutton, June 2015