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Catfield CE Primary Academy

Diary Dates

May half term w/c 27.05.2024

June 2024

29th - Summer Fayre 11am-2pm


1st - EYFS reports to parents

1st/2nd - Transition days to North Walsham High

2nd/3rd/4th - Transition days to Stalham High

2nd/3rd - Catfield Transition days

4th - Dance Showdown - Gorleston

9th - Year 2 trip to Bewilderwood

10th - Year 6 Leavers trip to Pleasure Beach, Great Yarmouth

11th - Sports day & family picnic 12pm-3pm

12th - EYFS Trip to Roarr Dinosaur

15th - Leavers service @ Catfield church 2pm

18th - Reserve Sports day & family picnic 12-3pm

19th - Leavers assembly 2.30pm & last day of term 


4th - Children return to school


Contact Us

Catfield Church of England Primary School, School Road, Catfield, Norfolk, NR29 5DA.

01692 580568