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Sutton CE Infant Academy


Autumn dates 2024                 

Friday 4th October-Harvest at the church at 9.30am.

Monday 7th October- KS1 trip to Sheringham park.

Thursday 10th October-Mental Health day café 8.50am-10.30am.

Tuesday October 22nd- Early Years class Stay and Play, 1.30pm-2.30pm.

Thursday 24th October-Flu vaccinations.

Half-term- Friday 25th October, children return to school on Monday 4th November.

Friday 8th November-Family Bingo 6.00pm-8.00pm.

11th-14th November- Anti-Bullying week.

Friday 15th November-Children in Need. Children can come in non-school uniform and make a donation on the Children In Need website.

Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th November-All classes parent consultations.

Thursday 28th November-Christmas craft morning.

Wednesday 4th December-Early Years class Forest School Stay and Play 10.00am-11.00am.

Thursday 5th December- Christingle at church 2.30pm.

Tuesday 10th December-School Nativity 2.15pm.

Wednesday 11th December-School Nativity 9.30am.

Thursday 12th December-Christmas movie night 3.20pm-5.00pm.

Wednesday 18th December- YR-Y2 Pantomime trip.

Thursday 19th December-Carol singing around the village from 9.30am.

Friday 20th December-Christmas church service, time to be confirmed.

Childrens last day at school will be Friday 20th December. We return to school on Tuesday 7th January 2025.


Spring dates 2025

Monday 13th January-Early years class Stay and Play 1.30pm-2.30pm.

Monday 3rd to Friday 9th February-Children's Mental Health week.

Thursday 6th February-School disco 3.20pm-6.20pm.

Friday 14th February-Dentist assembly and visit.

Half term- Monday 15th to Friday 21st February.

Thursday 6th March-World Book Day.

Thursday 6th March-Reading café, starting at 9.00am.

Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th March- EYFS parent consultations and KS1 shared learning.

Friday 14th March- EYFS trip to Gressenhall.

Wednesday 26th March- EYFS class Forest School Stay and Play, 10.00am-11.00am.

Friday 28th March-Mother's Day Worship, 8.50am.


Summer dates 2025

Thursday 3rd April-Easter crafts, bonnet parade and Easter egg hunt 8.50am-10.30am.

Friday 4th April- Easter church service 9.30am.

Half-term- Monday 7th April to Tuesday 22nd April, children return to school on Wednesday 23rd April.

Friday 2nd May- KS1 reports to parents.

Thursday 8th May-Early years class Stay and Play. 1.30pm-2.30pm.

Friday 16th May-Family Bingo 6.00pm-8.00pm.

Friday 23rd May-Maths café from 2.00pm.

Half-term- Monday 26th to Friday 30th May.

Tuesday 3rd June-KS1 trip to Norton's Dairy.

Friday 13th June-Father's Day worship 8.50am.

Monday 16th June-Class and leavers photos.

Wednesday 18th June-Early Years class Forest School Stay and Play 10.00am-11.00am.

Friday 20th June- EYFS trip to Banham Zoo.

Monday 16th and Tuesday17th June- KS1 parent consultations and EYFS shred learning.

Tuesday 24th June-Sport's day, picnic and summer fayre; 11.30am-3.00pm.

Friday 27th June- KS1 Federation day at Hickling.

Tuesday 1st-Thursday 3rd July-Transition days.

Friday 4th July-Wheels night 4.15pm-6.00pm.

Monday 9th July - Dance Showdown.

Tuesday 8th July-Reserved sports day if 24th June is cancelled due to weather.

Last day of term Tuesday 22nd July.






Contact Us

Sutton Church of England Infant School, Laxfield Road, Sutton, Norfolk, NR12 9QP.

01692 580608