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Sutton CE Infant Academy


Spring dates 2024

Monday 5th February-Friday 9th February-Children's Mental Health week.

Thursday 8th February-Mental Health afternoon carousel, 2-3pm.

Thursday 7th March-World Book Day Reading Cafe 1.45pm-3.00pm. Dress as your favourite book character.

Friday 8th March-Mother's Day worship at 8.50am.

12th March- Early Years Stay and Play session, 9.30am-11.00am.

Thursday 14th March- EYFS trip to Wroxham Barns.

Monday 18th March-children sharing work. 2.45-3.00pm.

Thurs 21st March - Reception Height and Weight Screening

Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st- EYFS parent consultations. Times to be confirmed.

Wednesday 26th March-Easter activities afternoon at school from 1.45pm.

Wednesday 27th March-Easter Church Service at 9.30-10.30am, for children from Reception to Year 2.               

Wednesday 27th March- Easter Bonnet Parade.                        


Summer dates 2024

Wednesday 8th May- Forest School Stay and Play session, 9.30am-11.00am.

Friday 17th May- Bingo night from 6.00pm-8.00pm. More information to follow.

Friday 14th June-Father's Day worship at 8.50am.

Wednesday 19th June-School leavers and class photos from 9.00am.

Saturday 22nd June-Sutton Summer Fayre, more information to follow.

Monday 24th June-children sharing work. 2.45-3.00pm. 

Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th- KS1 parent consultations.

Tuesday 2nd July- Early years Stay and Play session, 9.30am-11.00am.

Thursday 4th July- Dance Showdown. Mor einformation to follow.

Friday 5th July- Wheel's night 5.30pm-7.30pm. More information to follow.

Wednesday 10th July-Sports day from 1.30-3.00pm.

Friday 12th July- Year 2's Leaver's night. More information to follow.

Wednesday 17th July-Reserve Sports Day (If 10th July is cancelled due to weather.)

Thursday 18th July-Leaver's assembly at 1.30pm. Year 2 families welcome. 

Friday 19th July-End of term church service at 1.30pm. Families welcome.



Contact Us

Sutton Church of England Infant School, Laxfield Road, Sutton, Norfolk, NR12 9QP.

01692 580608